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Interview: Piyush Nigam (U.K) Model/Singer/Songwriter/Dj/Producer

Can you tell us a little about you?

Well, I’m ambitious, headstrong and passionate about art - music, motion pictures, film making. Having said that, I’m pursuing my musical dream. I’ve been blessed so far to have some amazing experiences during my journey.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I would rather embrace my flaws and imperfections, as it evolved me as a person I’m today. I thrive to learn each passing day and constantly work on myself to be a better person.

How did you start Modelling, DJ’ing and Singing?

I was always drawn to music, since a young age. I always wanted to pursue Singing/Songwriting. DJ’ing was the first baby step to break into the music industry. The sheer feeling of performing on the stage enthrals me. This drove me to get professionally trained by a Grammy winner Singer/Songwriter at Point Blank, London.

However, modelling happened as a part time job while attending MusicSchool. I was lucky to be signed by an agency later and have been offered a lot of commercial work, brand campaigns, runways, editorials, shoots, and a lot of other projects.

What do you think of the work as a model, DJ/singer/songwriter?

Well, it’s always overwhelming when you pursue your dreams. However, it’s not an easy job. It demands a lot of determination, discipline and hard work. Modelling is something that fascinates everyone, as it involves a lot of travelling, meeting interesting and creative people. On one hand, modelling demands a strict fitness regimen, balanced diet, good sleep; music on the other hand keeps you captivated in the studio, working in odd hours, worldwide tours, very few hours of sleep. So overall, it’s quite a challenge to create a balance between both.

What is your beauty regimen?

Like I mentioned before, it’s very hard to maintain physical fitness due to odd working hours. I make sure to run every morning regardless of the late studio hours, train at least 5 days a week and follow a balanced diet with plenty of fluids. Also I try to take quick naps whenever possible, which is a struggle (Laughs).

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from. others?

I’m determined, focussed, and love challenges. The ups and downs in life don’t really effect me.

I believe everyone has some unique qualities/skills and never waste my time comparing myself with others. That keeps me going.

What are your plans for the future?

I aim to carve a niche in the music industry. I’ve an endless list of projects I’m working on at the moment, including music entrepreneurship, podcasts, record label and a lot more. The list is really long.

What are some of your favourite experiences so far?

Well, there are numerous experiences including performing for an audience of over 1000 people, some amazing brand campaigns, publications. Despite of them, my best experience so far was to join Point Blank Music School, which moulded me into a new person, enhancing my musical skills.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling or to start as a Musician?

It’s a cut throat competition with creatives from around the world. There’s no short cut to success. If you think you have it in you, dedicate yourself, chase your dreams, until you achieve it. Always be honest and believe in yourself. You may have ups and downs, but never give up.

What do you think of the magazine?

I’ve read the recent issue and really amazed by the coverage of the brilliant creatives and achievers worldwide. It’s such an amazing experience and opportunity to share my journey.




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Photographer - Sandijs Skunis

Photographer - Susana Cabana

MUA- Yiyi Tien Female Model - Alina Ebeb Photographer - Hamish Croker

Female Model - Chloe Photographer - Hanah Larkin

Female Model - Chloe Photographer - Hanah Larkin

MUA- Shanti Tang Tremblay Photographer - Alex Coley

Photographer - Cabana

Female Model - Chloe Photographer - Hanah Larkin

Female Model - Evie Wray MUA - Sharon Owens Photographer - Fleur Challis

Female Model - Hajar Photographer - Thierry Boissard

MUA - Photographer - IMATS

MUA - Photographer - Ray Chung

MUA- Shanti Tang Tremblay Photographer - Alex Coley

MUA- Shanti Tang Tremblay Photographer - Alex Coley

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