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Photographer MAT (Matteo Aicardi) (Italy)

Can you tell us a little about you?

Yes sure. My name is Matteo Aicardi, usually my friends call me “Matte” or “Mat”, I am 29 and I live in Turin, Italy. I had been working like a graphic and web designer freelance for 8 years, actually I work in a company in the industrial automation field, like marketing and communication manager.

How and when did you get into photography?

My first approach with photography has been started in the secondary school, it was a subject, but I did not really appreciate it, maybe because I was more interested to assimilate everything about graphic design. When I finished the school and I started to work, I have started also to explore everything about visive arts, and in that time I really discover photography, and I felt in love with it.

What does photography mean to you?

I think, and I hope this is a concept shared by everyone, that first at all photography it is not only about to show what is inside the picture, I think is show my mind, the essence of the subject, a concept, a provocation, a message. So I think that photography for me mean talk to people in every language and communicate what is your idea about beauty, about fashion, about society, about politics, about war, about everything. What you show, yes is something that everyone can see, but it is from your point of view, so you are in this picture. This mean photography.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I am principally a portrait photographer, I prefer show in my pictures people, and at the moment I am focused on shooting with models, mainly for portrait outside but also glamour and boudoir photography.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I get inspiration from other photographers, known and less known, but also from other kind of visual arts like paintings and movies. But I think the main inspiration come is from the location and the model, in that moment, I look at her/him and what is around us, and the game begin.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ?

Sometimes, but usually I decide at the moment. I like see what the people feel in the moment, what they want to show about themselves, and how we can match that with the location. I think this is my way to have something of unique.

Studio, on location or both?

Mostly location, I do not have my own studio, but I also prefer change the environment, the conditions, maybe It is more difficult, maybe not, I do not know but I like this kind of unknowledge.

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

Hobbyist, definitely. I cannot consider my photography a profession, I did not study for this, I did not invest or have some kind of sacrifice for this, I was just interested and I started to take photos. So at the moment absolutely I do not want see photography like a job, I want to live it differently.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

I do not have some funny stories or something like that, I think for me every session is memorable because I have known every time someone of special, and often a new friend. Maybe a session that I have in my heart is for a basketball tournament, because after one day to takes pictures under the sun in summer, seen every participant in the days after have my photos like profile picture on Facebook, it is beyond a satisfaction.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Canon, 5D Mark II. My favourite lens is 70-200 f2.8, I like so much the blur of the 200. I have intention in the future to try mirrorless and vintage lens, I think I have a lot to discover in this sense.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

I do not know what someone need to start a business in photography, but I have started something similar, and I think is really important do not have too hurry. Results will arrive, but you need to try and try and have a lot of experience, this is mandatory to have success. Sometimes it could be frustrating but you have to keep going, and obviously have fun, it’s photography.

Whatdo you think of our new magazine?

I really like it, it is a great idea and amazing for photographer, models, MUA, etc. which can show to people from several countries their talent and share passions. It is really motivating and inspirational, so thank you for having the opportunity to be part of all of this.

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