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Pictures of the day
June 2020
Submissions picture of the day be emailed to with subject picture of the day "send 1 picture in high resolution with the necessary credits.
30 June 2020Direction Artistique & Coiffure : Alexandre Cruzel & Maggie Pacheco Coloration : Maggie Pacheco Assistant coiffure : Jessica Lugand Stylisme : Véronique Suchet Maquillage : Mariana Miteva Photographie et Retouche : Pascal Latil Production & Relation presse : ELP Hair Production | 29 June 2020Photographer: Surajit Bhattacharya | 28 June 2020Photographer: Lenoir Martial Model: Yolaine Fonaine |
27 June 2020Model: Sensemielja Letitia Sumter Photography & edit : Rahul Chowdhury Designer : Zalure Home & DUC nguyen MUAH: FashionableStylist SS | 26 June 2020Model: Priscilla DELAY Ph: Pascal Latil, Eugène Perma | 25 June 2020Mua: Eleonora Tomasini Photographer/ Karl Collins Model: Zoe |
24 June 2020Photographer: JOSS PEIX Model IZABEL DOS SANTOS Model Agency = DMG Paris | 23 June 2020Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm | 22 June 2020Photographer: Rob Pols Model: Estelle Roger |
21 June 2020Photographer: Dennis Claes Model: Jisca Bosmans MUA: Sofie Vancauwenbergh | 20 June 2020Photographer: Dominik Hajder Model: Basia Radkowska Stylization: Katarzyna Rudnik – Kikimora Handicraft | 19 June 2020Photographer: Ugo Baldassarre Model: Giorgia Amato |
18 June 2020Model: Nicoline Sophie Photo: FLASHnMODELS | 17 June 2020Model: Nicoline Sophie Photo: Kurt Johansen | 16 June 2020Model: Noemie Mazella Photographe: Lenoir Martial |
15 June 2020Model: Melanie Theresa Benkova Photographe: Tomas Haluska | 14 June 2020Model: Matea Petrovic Photographer: Joachim Bergauer | 13 June 2020Photographer: Michel Bonini Model: Joy Make Up: Stéphane Dussart Hair style Michka Kovalsky |
12 June 2020Photography: Sanne Verheij van Bergenhenegouwen MUAH : Eline Deblauwe Eline Deblauwe Hair & Make-up W beautiful Model : @Joan Kuhlman International TOP Model Sensemielja | 11 June 2020Model: Sensemielja Letitia Sumter Photography: Bertus de leeuw Styling : Fashionablestylist SS Designer: Duc nguyen Jewelry by : Zalure Home | 10 June 2020Model: Nisha Photographer: Debarghya Mukherjee |
9 June 2020Model: @dicapria6 Photographer @thisisolli | Germany | 8 June 2020Photographer: JOSS PEIX Model: ANASTASIA SAVCHENKO | 7 June 2020Model: Katrin Photographer: PAGE7 Photo |
6 June 2020Photographer: FLASHnMODELS Model: Nicoline Sophie | 5 June 2020Model: Candice DUTHE Photographer: Sylvio | 4 June 2020Photographer: Jimmy Machon Models: Kimie Wrisberg - Sandra Mørk Valente |
3 June 2020 | 2 June 2020 | 1 June 2020Photographer: JOSS PEIX Model: ANNA WOLOSZ Model Agency: NEVA MODELS Stylist: JOSS PEIX |
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