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Interview: Photographer Norman Ganschow (Germany)


Erzähl uns etwas über dich

Despite following a successful career path my interest in photography was always substantial but without spending enough time on it. So I started in 2016 working my way up and decide to go deeper into the people photography, meet and work together with several of my role models and idols in the business soaking up their wisdom and benefit from their huge amount of experience.

Today I’m very happy to be in this situation and to work with exclusive models from all over Europe. My hard work in the last 12 month paid off and got me awarded multiple times which I am very proud off.

Wie und wann kamen Sie in die Fotografie?

Because often content is overlooked in eCommerce projects, I started to photograph by myself. Because content with photos takes time, I tried to shorten the time to market. At the time I used the photography for the results only and did not put my passion in it. In the middle of 2016 I decided to give it a shot and began to set up my own studio and started with people and boudoir photography.

Was bedeutet Fotografie zu Ihnen?

My basic philosophy in life is “life is about passion” so is my photography.

Bitte kurz Ihre Fotografie-Stil für unsere Leser zu beschreiben.

My pictures style is playful smart endued with a slight erotic touch and hint of a hidden underlying expression.

Woher bekommen Sie Inspiration?

I am inspired by many different things. I follow people with different styles, I get inspired when I meet with them. Everybody has something unique and this is what I love, and I love to learn.

Denken Sie im Voraus, was Sie im Bild wollen?

I try to have the finished picture already in my mind. But this doesn´t work anytime.

Studio, vor Ort oder beides?

I own my own studio at home. So I can combine my normal life with using my studio every time I want to learn or to shoot. But I feel that I want to go out, I feel that I want to shoot more outdoor and on different location.

Würden Sie sich selbst ein Bastler oder ein bezahlter Profi?

It much harder with all the pressure when you do a hobby professionally. But hey, if I can make some money with it, why not.

Ihr größtes Erlebnis Sitzung war und warum?

I was new in a group of photographers during a shooting trip. I was not familiar with the locations and best spots, and the other photographers where going to search for the best spots. But instead of waiting, I started shooing right there at the beach. At the end we catch great light and nail many very cool shots there.

Was war die größte Quelle der Inspiration für Ihre Arbeit ausgewirkt? First of all, that I see that I can enhance my skills by myself and get better and better. Second and foremost, that I get compliments and gratulations from other photographers that I saw as idols. It gives me extra motivation when they like my pictures.

Nikon oder Canon? Lieblingsobjektiv?

I think we care too much about the brand. My personal favorite choice is a Nikon.

Was ist ein Ratschlag möchten Sie einen neuen Fotografen zu bieten, die ihre eigenen Unternehmen zu gründen?

Don´t let something or someone stop you and do not waste your time with negative people.

Was denken Sie über unser neues Magazin?

I really like it and I think that this will be the future. An online magazine, which can be printed in case someone wants to, fits the more personal way of living in the future. Your magazine gives the opportunity to new artist, photographers and models to inspire also others in the branche and that a great way to grow together.

Model: Julia Yaroshenko Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Angelina Petrova Hair&MakeUp: Sophisticated Makeup Arts | Nadine Schnurbusch

Model: Tiziana Di Garbo Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Vanessa S. Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Angelina Petrova Hair&MakeUp: Sophisticated Makeup Arts | Nadine Schnurbusch

Model: Miriam Bettermann Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Cecilia Zevenhek Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Angelina Petrova - Hair&MakeUp: Sophisticated Makeup Arts | Nadine Schnurbusch

Model: Katia Martin Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Victoria Pichkurova Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Kate Jones Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Amber Boel Hair&MakeUp: herself

Model: Kira B. Hair&MakeUp: herself

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