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Interview: Model Danielle von Arnold (Sweden)


Can you tell us a little about you?

When you ask me to tell you a little bit about me, it´s just been so hard to choose just a little. Maybe i could tell you about how I am as a person. I´m kind, passionate, smart, beautiful and i have a power around myself that help me to never been broken about who i am and who i want to be. But, life is more about who you are and how you see yourself, I mean of course you are the person you are but you are even your life and the life always growing. My life is more than just being myself, because I am already everything about it. That I trying to explain for you are that to know a little abut me is more than my personality, its about my life, my creativity, academic and my dreams. I can tell you already now, I have big dreams and I am that person who never will give up. Let me tell you my story.

I am born at a farm, the countryside in Sweden. Actually very close to Stockholm. I have lived here since I been born 1996. I have always had my family close to me and I am so happy to be there I am now. All days I woke up at home, I take a big cup of tea or coffee, take a walk with my two dogs in our privet park and look how the sun get up between the leek we have just behind our house. Its important for me to feel the nature when I’m home and don’t are away for work.

For a while I have been freelancing as a model, that work I love to do, there I can show people my creative side and make some fashion. The modeling is a perfect job for me because I really like to meet new people, travel and teach me a lot of new things but I can even take a day of and make time for family and friends.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

If I would change something about me it would be to take time for my esthetic side. I have always had the music on my left hand that I have played a lot of instrument like guitar, violin, piano etc., I have sung and dance a little. But something I really are sad abut is that I never make chance to take the dance to a higher level but even started to dance ballet. I have done some break dance, jazz and salsa. I was good into it but now I’m only dancing with family and friend, sometimes I take a workout in a dance class we have at my gym in the town I live closest to.

What do you think of the work as a model?

For me is the model work more than a work, I see it like who I am. Its something how has grown with me when I had the toughest time in this part of my life. Sometimes you need to figure out how you are when people tell you the wrong story about who you actually are. Here I am now, modeling with passion because I know who I am and I want to show all of the people the wrong about what they thought and what they said about me.

How did you start modeling?

One question people always asking me about are how did you start modeling? I can say as everyone in the model industry, I was born into it. But no, I have grown into it by my self. I was contacted of a model agency when I was around 16 years old. I laughed a little and made a call to my mother and father I told them about it. It was nothing more about it. But 2 weeks later I had a second contact with the agency and I decided to give it a change. Me and my father meet the agency for the first shoot and I had never been in front of the camera more than 5 seconds before. After the shoot he told me that I could make Milano and Paris. Some month later I stock at the airport but this time with my mother waiting for our flight to Paris. Am grown much as a person even if I just was there for some days. We tock a lot of shoots around the Paris and meet a lot other agency´s that was supposed to work with me. After one week home I decided to say no to the agency´s I meet. Maybe you think it was stupid but I didn´t feel that they hade what I searched for, my dream was bigger.

I did my high school in 3 years with really good resultant’s and hade finally the exam party with family and friends. I had not thought about the modeling for a while, and then it happened again… The photographer for the party was so excited over take those photos of me and told me to send pictures to Miss Universe because he thought that I could win everything. I never send in the pictures to the competition but I send the man an e-mail 2 month later when I was in my summerhouse in Spain. Home in Sweden again I make a photo-shoot with him and I was in, later I meet a wonderful photographer in Florida when I was there and she made me on Vouge. It was incredible! I have also work with amazing photographer, Florists and make up artists here in Sweden and can just say WOW and thank you to believe in me.

But about the story, here I am now This way have taken me there I am now, thankful, full of happiness and full of power to take me even longer in this branch.

What is your beauty regimen?

My beauty regimen is to sleep well, if you are going with the flight take some make up remover wipes with you to always clean you face. The air in the flight will make your skin dry and you will feel not so good in you skin. Try to skip the food at the plan, maybe bring some tomatoes if you not going far. Skip the alcohol more often than you drink it or just take champagne if you must.

You don’t need to work out, just take walks, do some yoga and be strong in you self. Your body is all about what you are eating, start the day with an glass of hot lemon water, don’t be afraid to add some more protein in you food and think to smile a little more than you use to do. The best comes from your inside and good food make good mode. You are worth to feel the best of you.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

About my personal qualities which distinguish me from others must be many things. In front of the camera I have more self confidence than other and even then my self sometimes. Its like, I am more confidence in underwear and bikini them I am in jeans and a shirt. I don’t know what it is like that, maybe because I show mostly of myself and I’m proud over my body, I have work hard with both, body and soul and have never get any thing for free. But out from the modeling world am even here have a good confidence even if I have work harder with it out off the modeling. I mean, I don’t just do photo shoots. I also work with horses daily which means mocking, training of young horses and a lot of wear. I’m studying now 700 points between my carrier. I take every pike off obstacles along the way in life as a positive challenge and success. On the way I thinking about people and life make me distinguish from everyone.

What are your plans for the future?

The future already starts tomorrow, and my plans will be to work more on there I am now to get all the stair under me. I have been at many model agency’s but have not find that one who fit me. So, my first step in the future will be to find a model agency who we can have the best collaboration with. I will just not work in Sweden so I will go out for Europe, USA or other destinations. I love to learn me new things so I will also travel the world around and learn more about different cultures and regions. I will be done with my studies and star my own company. I have even just start to video blogging or vloggin like everyone saying and in the future I will grown into it and also continue working whit more collaborations and sponsoring than I do today.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

So far is my favorite experiences that one when I was in Florida I make the shoot with Jillian DeBar, I was really beginning. She had seen me before we I came to Florida and we decided already when I was I Sweden to take a shoot. Well, when we started to plan the shoot we just decided to make it simple and as I came. 5 am she pic me up and we went to a beach close to Naples in Florida. It was amazing. She is kind, relaxed and motivated. But the best experiences there was when I lay down at the rocks I my bikini with no makeup and feel me alive. The weather was wormer than the air, we both was so tired but everything was perfect, the sun who get up, the feeling I had and the result we get. Can just say WOW!

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Many people have asked me about the modeling and if I think they have it for the job or to find an agency, I just say yes. Just try to get in but don’t take the first one you get. Sometimes you need to say no before it will be as you want. Se your self and other will see you too! I promised.

What do you think of the magazine?

This magazine is great I think! For some moth ago, a write with one of my photographers about the magazine to trying to get in. He didn’t now how but for 1 mouth ago I made the cover on the magazine and now I can tell about who I am and my story. This is a change for those who are into it to be showed and make new contacts. I have read the magazine for a time now and I will not stop to read it to.

To follow my journey check out my instagram @daniellevonarnold , there can you find a link to my portfolio, my next upcoming vlogg and all of the other jobs, traveling and my lifestyle.

Hope you enjoy it, Danielle von Arnold

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