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Interview: Model Klaudia Licka (Poland)


Can you tell us a little about you?

I'm Klaudia from Poland, land of beautiful women, great quisine and cheep vodka.

For many years i used to be a dancer – I started from ballet, then hip hop and contemporary dance stole my heart, and now I'm doing my best in pole dance. I have two day-jobs and I'm studing medical physics (yes, this is as hard as it sounds). In my free time, I bravely try to be a photomodel. My favourite things in the world are: glitter (if I could, I would make everything gleaming), cats, black clothes, plants and colorful socks.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I would love to be a bit taller. Despite that, I like my body. It's strong and flexible.

To be honest, I need to stop pushing myself so hard. Sometimes it is better to let go.

How did you start modeling?

My friend wanted to have photos of ballerina and she asked me. I agreed, of course, because I love exploring new intrests! Photoshoot went really well, despite freezing cold. In Poland winters can be extremely cold, and then there was about -10 degrees. I had a flu for weeks, but it was worth it.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It's a great experience! The possibility of creating art, meeting new people, sharing great energy, passion and joy is fulfilling me with pride, happiness and energy.

What is your beauty regimen?

A wise man once told me ,,how do you want to rule the world, if you can't control such a basic human needs as food and sleep?” I fully agree with that.

Sport is great way not only to keep body fit, but to clear your head. If you have place to release your emotions, to concentrate on you as a person, your whole body will thank you. And ALWAYS WASH OF YOUR MAKE UP. Even if you're drunk, exhausted, or just lazy. Botox is expensive.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I am really empathetic. If you need help, I'll do everything to help you.I'm a mix of childlike imagination and joy with maturity. I hate being late.I don't stink after work out.

What are your plans for the future?

Despite doing everything spontanousely, it would be marvelous to have something stable in my life. Like a job, small flat and fluffy cat from shelter.

I plan to learn how to cook like my awesome mum, do some great tricks on pole and speak German.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Being on a cover of magazine is the best feeling in the world, but what comes next is even better. I'm recieving many beautiful and moving messeges, that I inspire people to create. Some of them even printed my photos and hang them as a piece of art decorating their living rooms!

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Practice, practice, practice. You have to know basic rules. If you master them, then look at photos which you like and try to interprate them with you own twist. .

Be nice. If the atmosphere on photoshoot will be cheerful, people will remember you. It's a part of profesionalism, nobody wants to collaborate with rude, moody models. Everybody would like to work with best friends.

What do you think of the magazine?

I love it! It contains great diversity of styles which forms great piece of art. Thank You for this great opportunity!

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