Interview: Model Alina Eva (Austria)
Can you tell us a little about you?
I’m first of all a person that loves life, family, nature, animals and travels. I’m sensitive to the things around me. I’m open and respectful to other people’s culture and traditions since i travel a lot due to my Job which involves meeting people from different cultural backgrounds. Respect to the others is very important for me. The best present for me its a smile. I like seeing people smiling.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I would never change anything about myself except maybe spending more time with my family since they live far away. From my look i have something from my dad and from my mom and it’s the best present from the nature to me.
How did you start modeling?
I started modeling quite late. First time i got in contact with agency I was at the age of 14, but had to refuse this idea because my parents objected to it. The second time I was invited to do the job when i was 18, but again had to refuse the opportunity while I was studying to become a Journalist. After i finished my study i moved to Austria and i decided to start my model job. Soon i got my first international contracts.
What do you think of the work as a model?
Modeling is a very interesting, but also a very hard job. One has to be strong physically, mentally and sometimes emotionally. One has to have a lot of patience with the understanding that that photo shooting isn’t about yourself, but the designer, Make up artist, photographer or the company you are advertising for. You should present the dress and the idea of designer. Every project is a team work. The pictures are the result of team work. While you show luxury on the pictures, but in reality you live in simple conditions. Its exciting to work in different countries Sharing rooms with other models, meeting new local agencies and worrying if your type will be asked in this country. I count myself lucky to have had good room mates who, I’m still friends with, i had cool agencies and interesting jobs. As a model you should have discipline and lot of patient.
What is your beauty regiment?
My beauty requirement involve nothing that is unusual. I do go make-up-free in my free time. I like to go to sauna and i like to swim in the lake or in the sea.
What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?
Everybody got different professional skills. I’m using my professional skills and experience in my job the same like all other people do. And i have respect to the knowledges. if i see somebody can do it better, i’m trying to learn from them also I share my professional ideas if somebody interested in it.
What are your plans for the future?
I live for now. I don’t have much ambitions, but as i was child i was always dreaming. Reality present me better moments in my life then i could have dreamt about. I have my parents, i have many friends, i was working and traveling to many countries. I just follow my life and enjoy every moment.
What are some of your favorite experience so far?
My favorite experience was in India, it was my first time there. I had the chance to work with local designers and photographers. The people were nice and open, very exotic country. I was there not as a tourist, but working as a model. I sow many local designers works and i had the chance to learn a bit of their culture and tradition. I had every day jobs, from one shooting, shows in different places, something i couldn’t have experienced as a tourist. I had a first hand experience of the Indian traditional fashion, completely different from European. China and Hong Kong was also interesting for me, as they have very amazing make up artists. I felt very special in Milan because i was dressed in amazing wedding Dress. The jobs in Austria and Germany are always very professional.
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
Nothing can be more important then your health. There are no job can make you happy if you don’t feel good. Modeling it’s very interesting life style, you will meet creative and talented people, enjoy it!
What do you think of magazine?
I think it’s great idea to get a chance to know more about the colleagues, photographers and make up artists. There are so many interesting people and personalities in this field. You can see here works from the artists who is getting published in the other countries. Read their minds, feel their ideas and be thankful for all the possibilities.
Facebook Alina Eva
Instagram alinaevalll

Photo: Nikol Bartzoka - Make up: @antikapetanaki - Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris

Photo: Nikol Bartzoka - Make up: @antikapetanaki - Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris

Photo: Nikol Bartzoka Make up: @antikapetanaki Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris

Photo: Elena Prokhorova Styling: Elena Pavlova Make up: Anna Podgorova Light: @photowowo1

Photo: Elena Prokhorova @prokhorovaelenaphoto Make up: Anna Podgorova @anna_makeupme Styling: Elena Pavlova @elenapavlova.stylist Outfit: @firusas @4jahreszeiten_vienna Light: @photowowo1

Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi

Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi

Photo: Stefan Dokoupil Make up: Anna Podgorova Hair: Viktor Zadvornyi

Photo: Elena Prokhorova dress In Or Near @inornear

Photo: Elena Prokhorova @prokhorovaelenaphoto Make up: Anna Podgorova @anna_makeupme Styling: Elena Pavlova @elenapavlova.stylist Outfit: @firusas @4jahreszeiten_vienna Light: @photowowo1

Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger

Photo: Judith Bender @judith_benderjbj Make up: Christina Kiselyova @christinakiselyova

Photo: Judith Bender @judith_benderjbj Make up: Christina Kiselyova @christinakiselyova

Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger

Photo: Sergei Kalyagin Make up: Oksana Schweiger

Photo: Nikol Bartzoka - Make up: @antikapetanaki - Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris

Photo: Nikol Bartzoka - Make up: @antikapetanaki - Styling: Dimitrios Constantine Makris