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Interview: Photographer Steffie Neve Byrresen Justesen (Dubai)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I grew up in Denmark in a small town called Aalborg. My mother had a love for hair and makeup, which started my interest in fashion. Three years ago, my husband and I, packed our house down and moved from Aalborg to Dubai. I’ve traveled a lot, but this is the first time, I’m living abroad.

How and when did you get into photography?

I started doing photography in 2013. It was on a dare. A close friend of mine was a photographer and he lend me his stuff, so I could prove I could take a good picture. I fell in love with it instantly, which is funny because before that, I had never shown any interest in photography.

What does photography mean to you?

It is basically my whole life. I shoot full-time. But it’s also more than that. Before, I was very uncertain about what to do with my life. Nothing really spoke to me, in regards of a career. But when I picked up the camera, that all came together.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

That is always such a tough question for me. When I look trough my portfolio, I feel like it’s a mix of everything. I’m most definetely a fashion and beauty photographer. That much I can say. But I am far from done experimenting and who knows what I will shoot next. Last year, I started doing product shots, and I truly love that aswell.

Where do you get inspiration from?

I actually get a lot of inspiration from weird opjects and shapes. I like geometrics in a photo. There’s also a lot of photographers and models, that inspire me. Not to forget, makup and hair artists.

Do you think in advance what you want in the picture ?

Yes, but I rarely stick to it. Unless it’s something specific for a client.

Studio, on location or both?


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

I’m a paid professional.

What has been your most memorable session and why?

Last summer, I was shooting a swimwear campaign with a celebrity as the model. We were shooting in a pool at a hotel. The area was shut down, while we were working. The place was loaded with paparazzis and their huge lenses, trying to sneak a photo. The management and security was working constantly to keep them away.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens?

Canon. 50mm can do most things. I love my 85mm for beauty shots.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Don’t underestimate the power of networking. A succesfull business, is much more than a strong portfolio.

What do you think of our new magazine?

It’s cool! Thank you for asking me to be a part of it.

instagram: @nevephotography

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Mariann Eloi

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Nanna Rubien

Photo: Steffie Neve Model: Ameni Esseibi Makeup: Laure Sejean

Photo: Steffie Neve Model: Ameni Esseibi Makeup: Laure Sejean

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Jelena Malcovic MA Models

Photo: Steffie Neve Model: Lea Goliath Makeup: RiRi Beauty

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm

Photo: Steffie Neve Model: Blessing Williams Makeup: RiRi Beauty

Photo & Makeup: Steffie Neve Model: Madeleine Kanyama MikasStockholm

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