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Interview: Model Patrycja Jasińska (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you? My name is Patrycja Jasińska and I am from Kołobrzeg, actually I spend my childhood in Sarbia, small village near the city I mentioned. I've always been interested in making art in different ways, playing instruments, recite, singing. I've always wanted something more from life and, as you see, it didn't change :) If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? In the past I would like to change everything. That experience tought me to accept myself, not changing, which is hard and beautiful work.

How did you start modelling? I remember me as a teenager I was posing in front of the mirror, changing clothes, imagine that I am on the stage or something like that. That I have photos to magazine, paparazzi cought me and took me a picture :) But I didn't dream about being a model (only about being in the magazine :D), I was rather dreaming about being a singer or actress.

What do you think of the work as a model? I have two points of view. On one side, it can be just fun and don't cost a lot energy if you don't care about posing, face, body language. On the other side, if you want to treat it seriously and practise posing, no being "one face model", it can be difficult and cost a lot of energy, physically and, sometimes, mentally. I think you have to be in contact with yourself, like yourself, be your friend, because this world is not only kind and nice, but you can also hear words and comments that can bring you down, if you don't think about yourself that you are enough and OK. What is your beauty regimen? I try to take care of my face, using specific cosmetics, eating healthy food that gives me energy. It doesn't mean I don't eat sweets or fast food, because I do, and I can't imagine living my life without these options :) Fortunately, I have always liked sport, running, fitness and it's also important for me to have not only strong body, but also healthy mind. What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others? I don't like to compare to others :) What are your plans for the future? Do what I like, be nice to others, smiling, work on myself, taking the best from life and trust life :) What are some of your favorite experiences so far? Photoshooting! Meeting great people and having adventures. I think my every day is that kind of experience that i can call miracle. Do you have any advice for those who want to start modelling? Oh my God, I feel like I am professional model haha. But honestly, I told about that - be your friend, it's, in my opinion, on the first place. I think you can be the most beautiful, the smartest person, but if you don't think good about yourself, the least significant word will kill you. And, of course, be careful on the people, who want to have only fun with you, but say that they want to have contract with you or make best photos in the world. While posing, try not to judge yourself, just do what you feel, even if you think it's stupid. Most time I thought "I won't tell about this idea to photograf because it's silly" and you know what? We had great pictures then! Tell about your ideas. In the worst case, photo you made would go to the trash :) And have fun! Show yourself. Feel yourself. What do you think of the magazine? I think it's a great possibility for those who just start their adventure with art. It's really nice and I am grateful that there are people who do that kind of things, looking for faces and giving them opportunities.

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