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Interview: Model Sany Fedorenko (USA)


Can you tell us a little about you?

Born in Ekaterinburg city, Russia.Before I came to USA used to live in Tel Aviv city,Israel that I called my second home. In addition to modelling studying realstate.

I like fast cars my new passion Porsche 911 :)

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I actually wouldn't change anything. I think an important part of personal development is accepting who you are and loving all aspects of yourself. Of course there is always room for improvement

How did you start modeling?

Scout approached me on the street of Russia. He gave me his card and asked me to come to the agency. I was standing next to food court and chewing hot-dog at that time and i didn't even thought about modelling career lol

What do you think of the work as a model?

Modeling is one of the most challenging careers. It will require one to be perfect at all times, and there can be a lot of rejection before finally having that dream career. It can be a very promising job, but also has its own sets of difficulties. Yes, it can give one lots of money,and you will travel a lot, but there is always a price to pay.

What is your beauty regimen?

I never had problems with my skin,even through my long modelling carrier i still get compliments from make up artists, that i have "baby skin" ,well let's say its genetics! ;) I always change products and im testing new ones. At the moment, I’m using Loreal Hydra-Nutrition Advanced Skin Repair Daily Serum just before I go to bed. But healthy diet,plenty of water and good sleep that's the secret of good healthy skin.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

-My greatest strength is doing anything that I am told to do no matter how hard it is. Also I am confident and always determined to get the job done!

What are your plans for the ?

To become a successful woman who own her bussines, a role model!

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

Recently I shoot for Pixvana virtual reality. I was wearing gorgeous Ralph&Russo dress, we were shooting in theatre in Downtown,there is was ballet dancers and atmosphere was spectacular! It was great experience and great team.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Be prepared to invest on yourself,in the end modeling is a business and like in any business you need to 1. Know your market 2. Be professional and reliable 3.Find a good agency who will represent you.

But the most important thing you can do to become a model is to be yourself!

Never change who you are on the inside or outside to make someone else happy.Modeling can be a great way to get self-confidence and can help you make money.But never sacrifice yourself. These steps will lead you to being a successful and happy model.

What do you think of the magazine?

I think is good new fresh publication and the way it's done, it will attract more and more reader's.

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photograph: Maria Panina Make up/hair: Asari Suzanne @asarisuzanne

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

Photographer: Antoine Verglas @antoineverglas

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