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Issue31 (part2) January 2018 IS OUT


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04 Cover Girl: Katica Rakuljic

16 Photographer: Dobry Valshebnig

30 Model: Martyna Stępska

42 Photographer: Mascha Foto n Design

54 Model: Linda Colleoni

70 Editorial: One Second

82 Photographer: Milena Mylka Gunia

94 Model: Chloé Keith

106 Monthly winner: Stella Kalaitzis

118 Model: Valentina Bussi

130 Photographer: Luiza Lipińska

142 Model: Fabiana Farina

158 Makeup artist: Igor Semushin

172 Model: Linda Rathje

186 Winners issue: Inka Pałys

198 Model: Maeva Lelievre

206 Editorial: Natalia Michalewska

214 Model: Sienna Stass

224 Winners issue: Model Blous

236 Model: Natalia Klimza

250 Monthly winner: Piotr Cierniak

264 Photographer: Denis Gerolini

274 Model: Caroline Engström


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