Interview: Model Alessandra Martines (Italy)
Can you tell us a little about yourself.
Hi, my name is Alessandra, I’m 25, I’m italian and exactly I’m from my beloved and hot Sicily. I live in Catania. I’m looking for a permanent job, but in the meantime I often work as a hostess, promoter, model and I create crafts items. I’m a very active girl, solar and sporty. I love music, dancing, going out with friends, I love animals and I like training to keep myself fit…
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
I’m a very critical person…while regarding my hidden side, I would change my exaggerated sensivity because I would like to think more about my well-being and then that of others…
How did you get into modeling?
I started this path exactly in 2009 through a national beauty contest. From that day many proposals began to arrive to me and I accepted free at the beginning to gain experience, grow and study in this field. All this helped me a lot in fact now I often work in Sicily and even outside the island...
What do you think of work as a model?
I don’t consider myself “model” but I think this job is like many others, also an hobby, and it is one of the ways to realize one of my dreams…I like posing and transmitting, through photos, what I am and what I would like to be…but it is still a difficult road to travel because it takes creativity, patience to treat the body and above all self-confidence…it’s also difficult for the opinion of the people and because in this field many times we are faced with unpleasant situations…
What is your beauty regime?
I like sensuality, elegance, refinement, sweetness…in fact every time I pose, I like expressing what I feel according to the context created. Many Top Models are my sources of inspirations…
What are your personal skills that you stand out from the others?
As I mentioned before, I’m a very sensitive girl and I always try to think others first and then of myself. I like helping people in need to see them smile…I’m strong and if I fall I get up and go forward, always with my head held high…I’m overactive and very humble…
What are your plans for the future?
First of all I would like to realize myself in the field of work, then finally find a job that gratifies me and at the same time I like it…in the future I would like to create a beautiful family…
What are some of your favorite experiences so far?
Mmmm…I would have a lot of experience to mention, but I dwell on some of them: a very fond memory is when I took part in a cinema casting in which they chose me as a special figure, along with other girls, in a very famous Italian fiction “Il commissario Montalbano” in the first episode entitled “Il covo di vipere”, in which I appear through 3 photos; it was a wonderful experience to be on the set of an important film. Another beautiful memory is the participation in a very important fashion show, the “Taomoda” in Taormina in which there were many italian VIPs…
Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?
I advice studying for yourselves first of all, and then maybe starting this experience like many others…you don’t give anyone the chance to destroy your dreams, you get rid of the opinions of the people, you have the courage to go on to try new emotions but always be careful to the indecent proposals…
What do you think of the magazine?
I think this magazine is a source of inspiration for many people…it allows any artist to make himself known…I think it’s a beautiful and excellent showcase.

Photographer: Francesca Prezzavento Location: Catania

Photographer: Francesca Prezzavento - Models: Alessandra Martines - Hair-stylist: Michael Florio Hairstyle Mua: Emanuela Russo - Stylist: Simona Pollicino - Wardrobe: Sandro Ferrone GELA - Location: Villa di Taormina (ME)

Photographer: Francesca Prezzavento - Models: Alessandra Martines - Hair-stylist: Michael Florio Hairstyle Mua: Emanuela Russo - Stylist: Simona Pollicino - Wardrobe: Sandro Ferrone GELA - Location: Villa di Taormina (ME)

Photographer: Francesca Prezzavento Location: Catania

Photografer: Antonella Cunsolo Location: Oasi del Simeto

Photografer: Fabio Lavima Location: Palazzo Zito, Cesarò (ME)

Photografer: Rossella Viccica Location: Paternò (CT)

Photografer: Fabio Lavima Location: Villa Itria (CT)

Photografer: Fabio Lavima Location: Villa Itria (CT)

Photografer: Antonio Girlando Location: Pantalica, Sortino (SR)

Photografer: Antonella Cunsolo Location: Studio Art'è Benessere Wardrobe: New Yorker

Photografer: Antonella Cunsolo Location: Studio Art'è Benessere