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Interview: Model Ashi Monster (Poland)

Can you tell us a little about you?

I’m "Ashi Monster" on social media, but my real name is Dorota and I’m from Warsaw, Poland. On a daily basis I am a tattoo artist and run my own tattoo shop. I graduated with a degree in photography but It always remained only a passion of mine. I’m an artistic soul and I’m the most creative at night. I love to cook, but I really got into this hobby after I went vegan which will be 4 years ago in May. I love animals and I have a lot of pets myself (7 cats, 2 dogs and 2 snakes). I’m quite introverted and a homebody person but I like to go out from time to time with my close friends.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

To not be so pessimistic and insecure all the time. I have always envied girls' self confidence. I had issues with it my whole life but posing helped a little bit through that time.

Because of this I missed a lot of great opportunities because I thought I’m not good enough and I declined some offers.

How did you start modeling?

I started having interest in photography and my parents bought me my first DSLR camera for Christmas. At first, I was amazed by macro photography but, with time, I knew I wanted to photograph people, especially girls. I haven’t got many friends willing to pose for me so I experimented with self timer etc. Some photos which I was proud of at that time I posted on Facebook or pages like Deviant Art and people were complimenting them not only because they liked that photography but they told me I should be a model and when I got my first offer from someone I already knew - I instantly agreed.

What do you think of the work as a model?

It is and always will be just a hobby of mine. I love it but still, I love my job more and I’m really happy I can make those two worlds work together and do what I love after work and on my own terms.

I respect people who do it for a living. It’s very hard work even if it may not look like it.

What is your beauty regimen?

Eating healthier. I’m not talking about diets cause I’m not a fan of that, but when you eat clean, it affects your body in a good way. Your skin and hair will be healthier etc. It also affects you inside and you will feel better.

Just to be clear I do still eat junk-food from time to time, I am human after all (laugh). We have to remember that vegan not always means super healthy food 😉.

What are your personal qualities which distinguish you from others?

I’m not sure how to answer that. If we are talking about my looks it’s tattoos, piercings, and freckles. If we are talking about my personality… I don’t know. Every quality can be found in many different people so I am not able to have one that distinguishes me from others and I am the only one to have it.

What are your plans for the future?

My plan is to be happy. The rest? I will see what the future has planned for me.

What are some of your favorite experiences so far?

This year I met a lot of new amazing people, mostly photographers thanks to my photoshoots. And I could name almost all of my experiences from this year as my favourites.

The latest one was taking part in a 4-day photo meeting in a magical scenery outside of the city that united about 30 photographers, models, make up artists, stylists and hairdressers. Those meetings are really common in the polish photography world and I finally had the opportunity to join one.

Do you have any advice for those who want to start modeling?

Do an online check on people who will offer you cooperation and are not well known in a photo-graphy world. Ask online, ask another models if they are ok if you have doubts. Many girls that wants to start, get a lot of messages from people who are not even photographers and may hurt you.

What do you think of the magazine?

I love it. I think we need things like this to show art for a bigger scale, support and give creators and models opportunity to tell their point of view.

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