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Interview: Photographer Kulcsár Melinda (Hungary, Budapest)

Can you tell us a little about you?

My name is Melinda, I live in Budapest and I mostly create here. My favourite photography subjects are make-up and fashion photography.


How and when did you get into photography?

I've been taking photos since I was a kid, but I started taking photos more seriously in 2018. For me it’s a wonderful recreation.


What does photography mean to you?

Freedom, creativity and self-expression.


Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers.

I like to create in many different styles. I like backlit images, I like to use strong noir style lighting.


Where do you get inspiration from?

Often everyday things trigger a train of thought that develops into a complete concept, but I also often draw inspiration from other photographers, painters or films.


Do you think in advance what you want in the picture?

Most of the time I start a shoot with a plan in my head, but sometimes I come up with something even better in a given situation and make it happen.


Studio, on location or both?

Both. I like to create in the studio because I control everything and it's very creative, but the outside locations always have something special to surprise you, so it's exciting and unique.


Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid professional?

A bit of both.


What has been your most memorable session and why?

I had many memorable photo shoots. One of them was the Budapest Casino shoot where we worked with a huge crew and achieved some fantastic results. In Hungary they don't typically allow photoshoots in Casinos so it was an honour to be allowed. I was able to fully realise my vision.


Nikon or Canon? Favourite lens?

My favourite camera is Canon 5D Mark IV and my favourite lens is Sigma Art 50/1.4 11.


What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own business?

Never give up on your dreams and you can always learn something new.


What do you think of our new magazine?

It is great to have a magazine where you can admire and be inspired by the work of photographers and models from all over the world.


Model: Patricia Budai

Mua/Hair: Petra Gazdig

Model: Edina Maronka

Mua: Petra Gazdig

Hair: Renátó Micura

Style: Katalin Rafael Katiesgarderobe

Model: Edina Maronka

Mua: Petra Gazdig

Hair: Renátó Micura

Style: Katalin Rafael Katiesgarderobe

Model: Era Nagy Kulcsár Melinda

Model: Adrien Bercsényi and Santiago Maciel Mejia

Mua: Laura Dabasi

Model: Kriszta Grőb

Mua/Hair: Alexandra Tóth

Model: Kriszta Grőb

Mua/Hair: Alexandra Tóth

Model: Lilla Pálinkás and Suvi

Model: Virág Péntek-Gyulai

Mua: Edina Erdődi

Dog: Di Modello Dobermann

Model: Joanne Rose

Mua/Hair: Petra Gazdig

Model: Gina Brunner

Model: Kitti Kovács

Mua/Hair: Petra Gazdig

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